Saturday, February 16, 2013

Remember the Solution

How many times must have you been in a tough situation where a solution seemed to be nowhere? How many times have you faced a brick wall of trouble with no look-ahead? How many times have you been frustrated beyond imagination for the simple reason that there was NO WAY this could be happenning to your life?

Enter Reality.

Should I say, Enter the Reality as you know it.

Now think: How many times have you simply jumped at a solution, out of nowhere? How many times have you just blundered on to a solution but later could not simple imagine how you did that? Remember that one moment when a millisecond's delay could have meant your death?

We call it Remembering. Or Recall, if your like.

You might not be a believer of reincarnation. We do. But for this simple yet powerful trick to work, your acceptance of reincarnation is not a must. As a matter of fact you already posses the most powerful tool that was never invented to change the face of reality.

We are talking about your brain, see.

Or to be more specific, we are talking about your mind. In a casual discussion this might be harmless but in a more theological line of talk, brain and mind might not mean the same. For the simple exercise that we present now, it really does not matter which is which. All that is required is that you be able to free your mind of all interference. We call this "Meditation", in a more formal manner.

Every religion in this world, and even non-religious persona incorporate this inexhaustible power. They might call it by different names but the idea is essentially the same. Your mind, when focused, can literally be used to change your destiny. But the trick is not brute force, but rather a subtle touch which causes as less ripples in reality as possible.

Confused? Don't be.

Just close your eyes and let your mind wander for a second. Let it run amok for a while. Do not interfere. If you are doing this for the first time, it is absolutely essential that you try not to force your mind to focus. You are a watchman. Your job is to simply watch your mind as closely as possible.

The result is immediate. You will feel relaxed. You might notice that your pulse rate is going down. You mind feel your breath intake push your stomach down. You might start being suddenly aware of where your feet are.

Now, with the monitoring still on, ask your mind to REMEMBER a solution. Remember, not invent. In case you did not know, our brain is a hundred times more capable than the most powerful hyper computer ever built, at recognizing patterns. Even among seemingly unrelated things. That is how William Herschel found the period of sunspots (by observing the price of Wheat) and John Nash found a way to break an extremely difficult code (by observing a spider weave a web).

Perhaps the most illuminating examples come from the greatest: Archimedes and Newton. They simply remembered the solution. Their brains just spotted a familiar pattern being reiterated in a totally unrelated problem, and solved it the same way.

Please, by all means, you are free to try this at Home.